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Here are just a few of the real estate listings Oregon has to offer including the Willamette Valley and Central Oregon. If you would like to explore more, then use our free search tools to explore up to date listing information. Please let us know if you need any help or if we can be of assistance. Our brokers are available to talk through the chat feature, email, or you can simply call us at 541-977-1283.
Buying a new home doesn’t have to be a stressful event if you have the right agent working for you. Home buying can often be an emotional process. As a result, it’s important to work with experienced and professional Realtors who cares as much as you do. Allow us to walk you through the process of finding a new home.
Any time you are searching for a new home you want it to be a positive experience. We believe in helping you find the right home within your parameters. When our team works with home buyers, we take the time to establish your basic requirements for your new home, needs, neighborhood, and financing. Your Realtors will walk you through the financing portion of the home purchase if you don’t already have that in place. Part of working with you involves ensuring you have the most up-to-date information on the market and helping you negotiate the best possible outcome. Our team works to protect your interests throughout the transaction and handle all the home negotiating (e.g. price, home inspection, repair, etc.) aspects for you as you move through the home purchasing process.